Previous Projects

MHRC is involved in the following projects:

Survive Strive and Thrive

Mental Health Rights Coalition with funding from the Ontario Trillium foundation and in cooperation with Crazy Daisy and Trivaris Ltd. recently completed a project designed to train peer support workers and to place peer support workers in the main stream. The final research portion is now being completed.

OTF has also recently supported MHRC with the purchase of new furnishings for the office. It has improved the look and comfort level of the MHRC offices and increased our storage capacity.

Consumer Run Coop Housing Research Project:

"Empowerment through independent, affordable consumer/survivor-controlled housing"
The purpose of this research project was to assess the feasibility of developing a housing co-op for people with mental health issues in Hamilton. The research project was implemented in two phases. Phase I explored the vision for this innovative approach to housing for consumer/survivors, and Phase II sought to clarify the concept and develop implementation plans for it. This report is a summary of findings from the two-phase feasibility study.

See the FINAL REPORT Here.


Therapeutic Relationships:

In an attempt to keep consumers from re-entering the hospital, this program matches recently discharged patients to consumers in the community. The 'match' or 'buddy' is a consumer/survivor who has completed the Peer Support Training and is willing to support another consumer one on one.

Talking About Mental Illness (TAMI):

TAMI is an educational panel of consumers, family members and a facilitator. This project was created for High School Students, and has expanded to colleges and universities. Consumers and family members speak to students about mental health and how it has affected their lives.

Coop Housing Research:

As part of a feasibility study funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, MHRC is assisting the Centre for Research and Education in Human Services and the Hamilton Addiction and Mental Health Network in exploring the potential for a Consumer-Run Housing Coop in Hamilton. Forums have been facilitated to hear all consumer and community feedback.


Photovoice blends a grassroots approach to photography and social action. It provides cameras to marginalized people in the community so that they can record images that will help them tell their stories. It helps people record and reflect on the community's strengths and weaknesses. it identifies important issues through group discussion. it gets the attention of politicians and other policy makers.


Ongoing Projects

Voices Of Experience:

This project trains consumers to sit on boards and steering committees. The Mental Health Rights Coalition then places consumers on boards and committees; this program gives consumers a voice in the policy making process on a system level.

Educational Forums:

The Mental Health Rights Coalition attempts to create and facilitate four community educational forums each year, pertaining to issues that affect consumers. For upcoming forums, keep checking the Up and Coming Page

Last Modified: March 4, 2010

Current Projects

Computers & Training

MHRC is pleased to announce our newest project which will involve the purchase of new computers and an ongoing project of computer training and mentoring for staff, volunteers and mentors. See the Winter 2013 newsletter for details.

MHRC with funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation bas been training consumers in Wellness Recovery Action Planning. Groups are finished and research is wrapping up.

WRAP -Wellness Recovery Action Plan is a structured plan developed by YOU. It is a system that you devise for yourself that helps you work through mental health challenges or life issues. It is adaptable to any situation. Through careful observation, you identify those things you do to help yourself feel better when you are not feeling well, and those things you do to stay well and enjoy your life (Wellness Tools), and then use these wellness tools to develop personal action plans. People all over the world who are working on their recovery and wellness successfully use this planning process.
WRAP is universal ― it is for anyone any time for any of life's challenges. 
Copied from:

Co-op Housing Project

Rising Star Co-operative Homes Inc. was incorporated in 2009 with the purpose of developing opportunity for cooperative housing for mental health/addiction consumers in Hamilton.

The corporation meets regularly at the Mental Health Rights Coalition.

At present there is no funding of the project but the board is seeking support for their limited expenses. MHRC generously supplies space and some staff time toward the project.

Consultants who have been working on the project, Tim Welch Consulting Inc., keep the board abreast of developments for funding opportunities and possible real estate which may be appropriate.

The project had its beginnings from the report mentioned to the left.

Longitudinal Study on Peer Support

Mad House to Our House

Watch the video and read the report courtesy of Centre for Community Based Research




MHRC Acknowledges the ongoing support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation for a variety of projects and other supports over 20 years of service.